Circular No. 15/98 - Representation in China and the Hong Kong SAR
Friday, September 28, 2012
JULY 9, 1998 CIRCULAR NO. 15/98
REPRESENTATION IN CHINA AND THE HONG KONG SARAs part of its continuing commitment to provide the highest levels of local service, the Club has recently made the following appointments in China and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to add to its existing capabilities.
CHINAIn Shanghai, the Club has secured the services of Messrs. Bull, Housser & Tupper. This law firm, of Canadian origin, has extensive regional connections and a staff of both expatriate and local lawyers well versed in both domestic and international marine practice. The firm's services are also available in regard to claims and other matters as might arise in ports elsewhere along the mainland seaboard. Their contact details are as follows:
Bull, Housser & Tupper Telefax: +86 - 21 - 6440 - 0021
After hours: Clive M. Ansley Telephone: +86 - 21 - 6219 - 4355
Zhong Liu Telephone: +86 - 21 - 6401 - 8122 HONG KONG SARHere the Club has recently been successful in obtaining the services of the local branch office of Keesal, Young and Logan, LLP, a major commercial law firm with a large maritime practice based in Long Beach, California. This office is able to provide a range of legal and legally-related services, particularly in cases where U.S. interests may be involved. Contact details are as follows:
Keesal, Young and Logan, LLP
Telephone: +852 - 2854 - 1718
Additionally in Hong Kong, in order to strengthen the Club's casualty response capability in the area, we are pleased to report that the services of Western Pacific Marine Ltd. have been obtained. This maritime surveying and consultancy company has the following contact details:
Western Pacific Marine Ltd.
Telephone: +852 - 2521 - 8005
After hours: Capt. Clay Wild Telephone/fax: +852 - 2987-1981/1983
Members are advised to mark their records accordingly. We are pleased to welcome these additional service providers into the Club's growing network of correspondents in this important region of the world. We are certain that they will provide Members with those highest standards of service expected of the Club and to which it remains unequivocally committed.
Yours faithfully, |