Bagged Rice Cargoes - Ventilation Channels
Home > Bagged Rice Cargoes > Bagged Rice Cargoes - Ventilation Channels

The proper stowage of bagged rice onboard ship with well-structured ventilation channels is imperative to allow the free flow of dry air to prevent the accumulation of condensation in the stowage of bagged rice.  This animation provides as summary of best practices for properly stacking bags with ventilation channels to ensure the free flow of dry air for optimal humidity control.

The following photos show examples of ventilation channels and the practice of interlocking cargo stacks across ventilation channels to stabilize stacks during transit.


A ventilation channel between stacks of bagged rice consignments.
Ventilation channel between stacks of bagged rice. Note that every 5 or 6 tiers, that a rice bag is set across stacks interlocking the tiers. This is done so to stabilize the stacks of cargo preventing collapse and shifting of stacks.
Note in the center foreground of the picture, the bags laid across the ventilation channel running left to right interlocking the tiers. This is done so to stabilize the stacks of cargo preventing collapse and shifting of stacks.