Lifeboat Safety

Mariners understand the critical necessity of lifeboats, but ideally hope never to use them. Lifeboat Safety: When You've Seen One Lifeboat, You've Only Seen One Lifeboat!  (PDF) 1.52MB   highlights the importance of in-depth training, robust familiarity with the specific lifeboat onboard, and rigorous maintenance routines to ensure the safety and reliability of lifeboats.

Shoreside Firefighters and Vessel Fires

Whether the crew intends to fight the fire by themselves or take initial actions while waiting for experienced, contracted marine firefighters to arrive, local firefighters usually respond. Shoreside Firefighters and Vessel Fires  (PDF) 1.77MB   provides guidance to Members for considering how best to coordinate efforts with shoreside firefighting assets.

Mooring Precautions for Vessels With Large Sail Areas

Mooring Precautions for Vessels With Large Sail Areas When Expecting High Winds  (PDF) 1.54MB   provides crucial insights on wind forces, mooring strategies, and common high-wind challenges. Their large sail areas expose them to potential beam wind hazards, leading to risks like a vessel breakaway that can result in a grounding, allision, collision, or damage to third party property.